Geography and Logistics
The one-of-its-kind Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) handles 13% of the nation’s foreign oil and connects by pipeline to 50% of the nation’s refining capability.
- Louisiana is strategically located on the gulf, providing easy access to major shipping lanes and quick and efficient product transport to domestic and international ports.
- The state is home to numerous global companies with operations in the Gulf, one of the most productive oil and gas basins in the world. Offshore activity includes drilling, production and transportation of oil and gas.
- The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port is the only deepwater oil port in the nation, providing tanker offloading at a rate of 100,000 barrels of crude oil per hour. It is the largest point of entry for U.S. waterborne crude oil. Onshore, LOOP facilities include the Clovelly Dome Storage Terminal where nearly 60 million barrels of crude oil can be stored in eight underground salt caverns and 12 million barrels can be stored above ground.
- Louisiana is home to two of the four storage sites that make up the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The two Louisiana sites are capable of holding an emergency stockpile of up to 296 million barrels of crude oil.
Sector Support
- Louisiana’s versatile maritime industry supports offshore activity by providing vessels to transport crews, equipment and supplies. Also included is the transportation of drilling rigs and materials such as pipes, cement and drilling fluids.
- The state’s manufacturing companies also play an important role, building platforms, pipelines and other infrastructure needed for seabed extraction. Companies also provide maintenance and repair services to ensure that platforms remain in good condition and operate safely.
- The offshore energy sector in Louisiana also supports a range of service industries, including catering, housekeeping and medical services. These companies provide personnel to work on the platforms and ensure that workers have access to food, lodging and medical care.