Expanding? Relocating? Starting up? Louisiana’s financial incentive programs can give your company a competitive edge.
Industrial Tax Exemption
Provides 80% property tax abatement for up to 10 years on new manufacturing investments.
Incentives Management System (Fastlane)
FastLane offers a secure online interface for companies seeking, applying for and managing state-approved incentives through LED.
LED FastStart
LED FastStart provides customized employee recruitment, screening, training development and training delivery for eligible new or expanding companies.
Quality Jobs
The Louisiana Quality Jobs incentive offers a cash rebate to eligible companies that create well-paid jobs and promote economic development.
Enterprise Zone
Louisiana’s Enterprise Zone is a jobs incentive program providing Louisiana income and franchise tax credits to qualified businesses that create new jobs.
Digital Interactive Media and Software Program
Up to a 25% tax credit on qualified payroll for in-state labor coupled with a 18% tax credit on qualified production expenditures.
Research and Development Tax Credit
The Research & Development Tax Credit encourages Louisiana businesses to establish or expand research and development activities within the state.
Angel Investor Tax Credit
Receive up to a 25% tax credit for investments in early stage, wealth-creating businesses that seek start-up and expansion capital.
Louisiana Innovation Retention Program
The Louisiana Innovation Retention Grant Program (IRG) provides supplementary state support for research focused Louisiana STEM small businesses.
Federal Opportunity Zones
Louisiana has 150 designated Opportunity Zones created in order to drive investments to low-income areas via federal tax incentives for long-term growth.
Restoration Tax Abatement
Receive up to a five-year, 100% property tax abatement for the rehabilitation of an existing structure located within economic development districts.
Motion Picture Production Program
Up to a 40 percent tax credit on eligible in-state production expenditures, including resident and non-resident labor.
Live Performance Production Program
Up to 25 percent tax credit for musical and theatrical productions, refundable or transferable on a one-time basis.
Entertainment Job Creation Program
The Entertainment Job Creation Program provides a tax credit on annual W2 wages to select entertainment companies creating well-paid jobs for LA residents.
Music Job Creation Program
A 10% or 15% credit on annual wages to qualified music industry-related companies (QMC) that create a minimum of three well-paid net new jobs for Louisiana residents.
Sound Recording Program
A production credit of 18 percent for eligible production expenditures.