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Industrial Tax Exemption Program

The Louisiana Industrial Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program (ITEP) offers an 80 percent property tax abatement for up to 10 years on a manufacturer’s new investment.

Eligibility – 2024 Emergency Rules

Businesses must be a manufacturer or related to the manufacturing at the project site in order to receive benefits of the ITE Program.

A manufacturer, as identified by the federal government, has a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that begins with 31, 32 or 33. The NAICS code is used as a preliminary qualification criterion. A detailed description of the activities to be considered manufacturing must be provided by the company.

The program is open to manufacturers new to Louisiana and is also available to existing manufacturers in Louisiana making new investments to existing facilities.

Program Rules:

Begin the Process

The Process



Submit Advance Notification with fee via FastLane NextGen (FLNG) prior to beginning of construction.


Complete the Application via FLNG and submit any required addendum material to LED for review.


LED and the Louisiana Department of Revenue will review the Application.


The Board of Commerce and Industry will consider the Application at one of its regularly scheduled public hearings.


Once the BC&I approves the Application, it will be sent to the Local ITEP Committee for their recommendation.


After the 45-day Local ITEP Committee review period, the BC&I will issue the ITEP contract through LED and send to the governor for final approval.


Upon final execution of the contract, submit the Project Completion Report and Affidavit of Final Cost via FLNG.



Submit Advance Notification with fee via FastLane NextGen (FLNG) prior to beginning of construction.


Complete the Application via FLNG and submit any required addendum material to LED for review.


LED and the Louisiana Department of Revenue will review the Application.


The Board of Commerce and Industry will consider the Application at one of its regularly scheduled public hearings.


Once the BC&I approves the Application, it will be sent to the Local ITEP Committee for their recommendation.


After the 45-day Local ITEP Committee review period, the BC&I will issue the ITEP contract through LED and send to the governor for final approval.


Upon final execution of the contract, submit the Project Completion Report and Affidavit of Final Cost via FLNG.


Upon LED’s receipt of the Advance Notification, the project may begin following these steps:

Application is to be submitted online via FLNG no later than 90 days after start of operations or end of construction, whichever occurs first. Failure to file application within the prescribed timeframe will result in expiration of the Advance Notification.

Note: LED may grant an extension of up to six months for the filing of an application, provided that the request for extension is received prior to the filing deadline.

Must be completed, signed and notarized. Affidavit with original signatures must be uploaded as an attachment to the application.

Note: If you are a consultant and filing on behalf of a company, you must complete and submit the Disclosure Authorization form via FastLane.

Upon receipt of application, affidavit and fee, LED will review the application for compliance, verify submitted information and provide a copy of the application for review to the Louisiana Department of Revenue.

LDR reviews the application and must issue a letter-of-no-objection or a letter-of-approval prior to the application’s presentation to the Board of Commerce & Industry (“Board”) for consideration.

Upon meeting the above requirements, the application is presented to the Board of Commerce and Industry for consideration. Applicants will be notified by email within seven days of the scheduled board meeting. The board convenes every other month, meeting six times per calendar year.

Within three business days of BC&I approval, LED will provide notice of the approved ITEP application to the Local ITEP Committee, the parish tax assessor, and notice of the approval will be posted on the LED Board website.. Upon receipt of notice, a 15-day period begins.

  • Within the 15-day period, a Local ITEP Committee maynotice a public meeting to consider the Application.
  • If the Local ITEP Committee places the Application on the agenda for a public meeting, the committee will have an additional 30 days (for a total of 45 days from the start of the notice period) to conduct a public meeting.
  • The committee shall submit to the department a resolution stating the approval or rejection of industrial ad valorem tax exemption applications within its jurisdiction and must be submitted to LED no lather than 45 days from the start of the notice period.
  • If a local governmental entity does not take action or provide notice as required in the ITEP rules, the application will be deemed approved by that entity.

Decisions by the committee are not dispositive and do not bind the governor or board.

Upon subsequent receipt of the Local ITEP Committee’s determination, a contract will be sent electronically from LED to the designated contract signatory.

For contracts executed prior to the beginning of operations or end of construction of the project, an Annual Project Status Report must be filed by December 31 of the year following board action and all subsequent years until the Project is complete.

File via FLNG no later than 90 days of the start of operations, completion of construction, or receipt of the fully executed contract, whichever occurs last.

File via FLNG within six months of the start of operations, completion of construction or within 90 days of the receipt of the executed contract, whichever occurs last.

Renewal application and contract affidavit must be submitted online not more than six months before, and not later than, expiration of the initial five-year contract. Eligibility of the applicant and the property for renewal will be reviewed using the same criteria that was used for the initial contract and consideration will be based upon the applicant’s performance during the initial term of the contract. Upon LED receipt and review of the completed renewal application and attached affidavit, the renewal application will be presented to the Board. The Board has the option of submitting an approved renewal application to the local governmental entities for approval in accordance with the procedures for approval of the initial exemption contract.

Louisiana Business Incentives

Louisiana offers a competitive suite of incentives designed to support business growth, workforce development and innovation. From tax credits and exemptions to customized workforce training and infrastructure support, our programs help businesses of all sizes thrive. Whether you’re launching, expanding, or relocating, Louisiana’s pro-business environment and strategic incentives make it easier to succeed. Contact us for more information.

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